What Furniture and Decorations are Allowed in a Co-Working Office Space?

Learn about what type of furniture & decorations are allowed in co-working office spaces & how they can help define the personality of the space.

What Furniture and Decorations are Allowed in a Co-Working Office Space?

When it comes to creating a productive and comfortable workspace, there are certain elements that are essential for any co-working office space. Sitting and standing desks with height-adjustable seats and memory foam padding are a must for any office that wants to maximize productivity and well-being, especially during overtime. This unique layout allows for both shared offices and coworking spaces to exist in the same space. No matter what type of professionals you're targeting, the design of your coworking space and the furniture you choose will help define the personality of the space and will be one of the decisive factors in attracting your ideal customer base.

The landing area is a quick check-in place, not designed for long meetings, and is perfect for sharing ideas and quick chats without disturbing anyone in the office space. This area is usually an open-plan concept, equipped with tables at the height of a support and stools located far or to the side of the main office space. If most of the workday is spent on field tasks, meetings, site visits and consultations, then a smaller office space can be satisfying. The owner of the real estate company that subleases office space to Xerox will likely have to provide all of their furniture, desks, chairs, printers, servers, and other vital equipment.

For work functions that involve frequent meetings or require multiple sources of material for consultations, research, writing, etc., it will be cheaper than a high-end space with a quiet, private and highly professional environment. Coworking offers a way to obtain dedicated office space in expensive urban and exurban markets at a fraction of the cost of traditional commercial real estate options. Sharing office space with a company in a similar industry can also take advantage of networking opportunities. Flexible space is a generic term used to describe a wide range of office solutions that include coworking spaces, private offices, on-demand meeting rooms and executive suites.

Actual office space requirements depend on the size and shape of employees since an office has to accommodate them, allow them to move safely and unhindered in the workspace, and allow them to complete their jobs. Most coworking offices use around 75 square feet per workstation, less than half the average space found in traditional offices.

Carol Toefield
Carol Toefield

Subtly charming internet buff. Infuriatingly humble gamer. Freelance tv buff. Total zombie lover. Infuriatingly humble twitter guru. Professional organizer.