What Types of Events Can Be Held in a Co-Working Office Space?

Learn about different types of events that can be held in co-working office spaces such as lunch & learns, yoga classes, movie nights & more!

What Types of Events Can Be Held in a Co-Working Office Space?

A lunch and learn is a great way to get members of your coworking space and the community involved in learning something new. Invite people to participate in panel discussions on topics such as how to get funding, how to scale, and even how to be productive when working remotely. Make it easier for people to view or schedule events by hosting a calendar on your website. Exercise is a great way to activate the brain, so why not bring in a yoga teacher or organize an early morning group run? Hypepotamus from Atlanta has a great idea: they organize a meeting every week to help entrepreneurs practice their 30-second and 3-minute presentations.

Coworking spaces can also host various events and social gatherings that add value to members. According to research, 69% of millennials say that attending an event makes them feel more connected to their community. A lunch or breakfast where members learn something new is a great start, but alcohol is the real social lubricant. The popularity of shared workplaces skyrocketed because it's more fun than traditional offices.

Make them even more enjoyable by hosting a movie night or morning session every month on Saturdays. Uninterrupted 2 to 3 hour entertainment is the perfect antidote to a tough week. Startup founders and entrepreneurs can focus deadlines and product launches on Summits as a way to get the most out of attendance. The runway to the biggest summits, such as SaaStr and Slush, is a perfect opportunity to organize a small runway event for all attendees or even for those interested and see it online.

To make it easy and experiment with a basic game night, consider buying a “SUPER NES Classic Mini” (search on Amazon) pre-installed with 20 games. Mario Card, in particular, is a good group game. That said, the SUPER NES Classic Mini may only appeal to people over 30 years old. A night with an open microphone, but only to sing music.

Direct the classics or Rock, Queens or maybe Elvis Presley; karaoke nights are about de-stressing and enjoying the night, no less. Invite all your members to participate in a mind game, bring board games such as Ludo, Monopoly, Sequence, Snakes and Ladders, chess and even a wrestling match. It would be interesting to see who is the strongest member of the workspace. Have a random speed dating event where you can randomly pair one member with the other, regardless of gender.

This coworking event idea could introduce a fun event into the workspace, which could increase ratings, and the business could be symbolized as a fun place rather than an old, boring workspace. A fun idea for a coworking event that will keep everyone laughing all day long is called “Anything But A Bag Day”; members bring their equipment in anything but a bag; events like this have been broadcast on TikTok and they can also advertise the business. There's nothing better than bringing your child and having a good time with the members of the workspace to laugh, talk about your children and introduce them to the coworking space. A special idea for a coworking event that will help members interact with each other, specifically to establish contacts and create relationships is called “Speed Networking”; perhaps a graphic designer in the industry could meet with an entrepreneur who needed help with his logo and slogans? Although this is not a particular event, this idea could motivate co-workers to interact and socialize more in space and to create a healthy environment throughout the company's management.

Vote for your favorite member: the day will conclude with a prize for the most voted member; for example, a free meal at a 5-star restaurant or a ticket to Dubai, etc. Introduce the importance of health in the workplace and offer your members the option of joining rumba classes once a week in the morning. This coworking event idea will increase member interaction and introduce the concept of healthy living. Present a social cause such as an event to seriously promote your company's CSR obligations; by introducing blood donation campaigns, members may feel satisfied working in the workplace, as they are not only working but also contributing to society while they are working.

The idea of this coworking event is to invite members on a specific day or call them to introduce a new change in the coworking space so that members become familiar with the new change; for example an assistance machine or coffee machine or new set of printers or new addition of additional space etc. In many start-ups, the CEO will do everything possible to make announcements at the company level. A secret Santa Claus is an idea for a coworking event in which everyone takes a piece of paper from a bowl with the name of another member; members are supposed to give something to that member but keep that member anonymous; then members have to guess who gifted them what and everything will be revealed at the end of the day; members are supposed to receive their gift at their tables. Charity Day events are also great ideas for coworking events; invite charities and have members play and donate money for charity; this event will have similar purposes as those on blood drive days; have everyone read books together and talk about literature complexities. Sometimes all people want is just relax in the morning and eat tons of food; provide that!.

Carol Toefield
Carol Toefield

Subtly charming internet buff. Infuriatingly humble gamer. Freelance tv buff. Total zombie lover. Infuriatingly humble twitter guru. Professional organizer.